Can Climate Finance be an Opportunity for Financing Development?
In parallel with the preparations for Paris, negotiations to agree on the Post-2015 agenda and plan for implementing the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are taking place and the third International Conference on Financing for Development will thus finalize agreement on the means of financing the SDGs.
Climate finance has been an integral issue in the climate negotiations since the creation of the UNFCCC and has been a major obstacle in achieving a climate agreement to date. Despite the progress made in this area, existing contributions and pledges to fund mechanisms to fight climate change still fall far short of what is required. It is imperative that the Paris agreement to be concluded at the end of this year address the need for new and additional climate finance. Given the size of the funding gap it is also crucial to examine other potential sources of climate finance.
The event will highlight the links between the Climate Finance and Financing for Development processes.
Pan African Climate Justice Alliance in collaboration with the Climate Change Consortium of Ethiopia, Forum for Environment, Ethiopia, and Africa Development Interchange Network (ADIN).